Remembering Jesus and Pay it Forward

I was treated to an act of kindness by a brother in the Lord today. It is humbling when that happens.  It happens pretty regularly when you are a person involved in public ministry.  People feel they need to find some way to “repay” your role in their conversion or growth in Christ.  I really do appreciate the heart.  But, today, as we are considering those who paid an ultimate price to help us live as free Americans, let me offer another way to bestow that gratitude. Jesus looked at Peter, after paying the ultimate price for Peter’s infractions, and simply encouraged Him by saying “If you love me, take care of those that I also love.” (John 21) That wasn’t a new statement from Him.  He encouraged them in John 15 to love others, one another, as He has loved them.  In other words, if you really value the love I have shown to you, don’t merely show it to me, give that love to them and show them how awesome it is.

American Flag

For those of us who will be involved in some observance of Memorial Day, let us take this Christ-like approach. Let’s not, to use a paraphrase of (the apostle) Paul’s words, use our liberty for an occasion to our fleshly desires, let us use it to serve others.(Gal. 5:13-14)  We would honor the fallen, if we make good use of our freedom, and worship the God we know, not by just having services/commemorations but by extending His grace, love and truth to others. If we as Christians, would do that the Kingdom of God would grow among and through us.  If we as Americans would live similarly we would find ourselves getting back to the principles that allowed us the opportunity to survive a revolution, a civil war and the ability to thrive.  Let me also say, I am not confusing the two: being a Christian and being an American. They are NOT synonymous terms. But there are similar ethics that compromise being a Christ-follower and being a “Good American”.  The only way to be a Christian is to cast your faith and trust over on to the love, truth and person of Christ.  That has to do with being born again.  Being an American has only to do with a birth certificate or another piece of paper that calls you one.  Being a “Good American” has to do with making choices that benefit those around you.  Being a Great follower of Christ, means you choose to love Him so much that you would love others the way He did, even until it hurts and possibly even kills you.  Similar ideas, yet different in their motivation and eternal outcome.

Which brings me back to that act of kindness I received earlier today.  As a follower of Christ I am not effective until someone’s life changes. Further, I really don’t believe the effect of my leadership as a pastor is felt until those who have been affected by the ministry of Jesus through me begin to affect others around them.  So, if someone wants to show me, or Jesus for that matter,  how grateful they are for the work of ministry to them, for them and in them, the best way to do that is to affect another person’s life.  In our culture they call that “paying it forward”. Paul encourages us in Romans 12 to lay down our lives as living sacrifices as a reasonable act of worship to God in light of the mercy God has shown us. He then tells us how to do this. Basically he names  a bunch of “gifts” and encourages us to use them for the benefit of others.  Verses 9-13 have some more to say:

“ Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them…Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically… When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” (NLT)

Let me reiterate, I am NOT ungrateful for the kindness shown me.  My wife, our kids, and myself enjoyed a fleeting treat.  Boy! Did we enjoy it! But, that same simple “gift” could possibly have been used to alter the eternity or day of someone in desperate need.  We were grateful and expressed appreciation to our benefactor, but I would have REALLY REJOICED at the news of that same person taking that same money and time and using them to have a “Gospel” moment with someone else.  

Think about this:

  • It is always good to express gratitude to Jesus and those who have been instrumental in helping you become what HE wants.  
  • We shouldn’t use that enrichment for ourselves, selfishly, but take those things and pay them forward.  
  • The Best way to honor God and those who have paved a way for you is to change another person’s life, day, or moment.  THAT’S WORTH SHOUTING ABOUT!

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